AccessiBe Explains Web Accessibility as Usability

AccessiBe Explains Web Accessibility as Usability

AccessiBe Explains Web Accessibility as Usability

Web accessibility is becoming more of a necessity than an option for website owners. Not just in the case of websites, but accessibility is now essential for all internet utilities. Web accessibility is here to stay, and it will be a mandate for all websites to be compliant to survive. We can also see that the major search engines have made accessibility a primary ranking factor.

So, the news for website developers and designers is to be aware of the accessibility needs and make compliant websites. Accessibility has a legal aspect, and it is also essential for the websites to have a humanitarian face by committing to equality, diversity, and inclusion. Similar to the Americans with Disabilities Act in the United States, which mandates accessibility, there are many legislations across the globe in various countries, making website accessibility compliance a necessity.

  • How to begin with accessibility? AccessiBe

With the need for accessibility on their websites and internet assets, people are now confused about how to go about it? You need to know some basic standards to follow to ensure web accessibility. Here we will discuss a few aspects of accessibility as explained by AccessiBe.

To understand the concept of accessibility, first, we need to understand the fundamental needs for accessibility. When making user-friendly and aesthetically attractive websites, their applications may have many flaws. While auditing such websites, we can see problems like:

– Many confusing links and link texts

– Inappropriate navigation bars

– Noncompliant web page forms

– Unreadable captchas etc.

All these make it frustrating and troublesome to those who want to access the website and interact with the content. If this is confusing to the regular users themselves, for people with disabilities, it will be almost impossible to access the website content. On checking it out, you can find out that most of the existing websites have accessibility challenges, and the unique needs of people with disabilities are not taken care of. Even though there are laws to ensure accessibility compliance and set standards for website accessibility, such as W3C and WCAG, these are not being followed by the majority of the websites.

  • Accessibility is usability

Not making the accessibility of your website compliant is a mistake because of its legality and many lost opportunities. Accessibility specifies the websites to follow some standards, which helps people with disabilities access the website correctly and for the other category of users to interact with the website ideally. For example, people of advanced age may have problems with readability and color sensing on screen. There may also be people with color blindness and learning disabilities. If you follow the accessibility guidelines, it will also ensure that your website is made entirely usable to all and, in turn, can naturally reach many more potential users.

So, AccessiBe offers a usability compliance approach to ensuring accessibility, which will enable the websites effectively and positively interact with the users. This is necessary for e-commerce and online business websites to achieve any positive results through their portal.

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